Uncover a Life of Confidence
and Connection.
Matt Van Pelt
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology
“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.”
— Carl Rogers

Transition is hard.
Not only is the future unknown, but the foundations of the past, once familiar and secure, become destabilized as well. Anxieties encroach. Connections are lost. Yet, I believe that despite their challenges, moments of transition contain within them immense potential for positive change and personal growth. Helping my clients discover that potential is what I love most about my work.
In my experience, the individuals I work with often know what they want less of—be it self doubt and criticism, tension in a particular relationship, a creeping uneasiness, or any of a hundred other challenges that enter our lives and create a sense of overwhelm or fatigue.
Therapy helps, and I am here to lend skillful support in finding relief. However, my work with clients also focuses on evoking and identifying what they want more of in their lives—what nourishes them, what instills energy and fulfillment. With curiosity, warmth, and acceptance, I walk beside my clients, helping them to forge brighter paths forward.